segunda-feira, 25 de julho de 2011

A bedtime story

before anyone reads this, a few words should be said, or in this case, written. This is not a real story, it is not based on real events and has nothing to do with me. its just a bit of nonsense that came into my mind on a loooong bus ride home and its just a quick try at a short story. read and hopefully enjoy (:
eyes open in the dark and look up for any sign of a when,where and why. Green lights blinking 6:30 a.m, a when. Its enough to make the skinny body raise in alarm. flashes of the night before passed in her mind. Tequila bottles, vodka and lemons. Now we have our why. A other vision: a smile, flirting and perfume. A hint to our where. She turned slowly, letting her dark blue eyes acostume enough to the darkness to make out a shape on the bed, softly rising to an unheard rhythm.

Very quietly as not to wake him, she got up and started towards the door. A soft call came behind her, and with it her heart sank. A dear caught in headlights. ‘hey, wait a sec’.

She didn’t dare turn and face the nameless figure behind her and fought back the curiosity. The color of his eyes, the smoothness of his complexion, the face that fits the smile in her memory... ‘I need to leave’ was all she could conjure.

Silence, then a click and suddenly the room came into view with a soflt yellow glow. The girl felt a sudden urge to have a peek at the eyes that she could feel where gazing at her. ‘don’t go, wait’ the soft voice whispered. ‘im sorry, but I shouldn’t have done this.’ With the last words said, she took 2 steps forward and stopped for a hand had grabbed her by the wrist, very gently and made turned her around.

Light honey-colored eyes, dark black wavy hair and full red lips filled in a pale freckled face. A perfect face to match his tall and skinny figure. On the nightstand beside the bed where a pair of glasses. ‘oh, so this is what he looks like’ she thought ‘well, at least he fits in to my taste’. A smile escaped her lips as the thought passed through her mind. It triggered the boy to smile too, and she was stunned by how beautiful his smile was and how sweet it made him look.

He let go of her arm and the smile was gone, a questioning look taking its place. ‘do you really have to go?’ he asked her. ‘couldn’t you stay for a bit of breakfeast?’
it didn’t take much thinking for her to surrender to the eyes that patiently waited for an answer. ‘ok, but just a cup of coffe.. then I really need to go.’ She said, curving her lips just a bit into a tiny smile, that was gone even before it could fully spread.

A few words were exchanged before they made there way into the boys kitchen:

‘one quick question, what is your name?’
‘it’s a pleasure meeting you Jane’

a quick exchange of smiles between two lonely souls before a Sunday breakfast.


a moments thought

My eyes follow you as you make your way past, just far enough so that your oblivious to my insignificant presence. I make an effort to continue the conversation I was having a couple seconds before with a nameless friend. Your head turns just a fraction. Is it possible you can hear the beating of my heart? You can see the sadness in my moves? The hatred that has come to take its refuge in my body. I fear that you might have noticed, even from such a distance the silent tear that stubbornly falls from my refusing eyes. A materialized thought of what could have been, of what was until you broke it apart.