domingo, 23 de janeiro de 2011

Time capsules and memories

So, i was remembering today how me and Felipe were going to make time capsules last year and burry them together in january. im happy we didnt, cause then i would have to dig them out myself in ten years, and read what he wrote. i had said for us to put a secret of ours, cause when we dug it out, each one would read each others secrets. we were probably to lazy, or to tired or to busy doing other pointless things that we never got around to making these time capsules. im still thinking of making one now, but its lost its fun. i often wonder what his secret was. and i often imagined that when we unburied them, we would be married. silly really, you cant plan these things out. my secret was going to be "i think we are going to be married in 10 years". not sure if its funny, or just sad. Time capsules are just memories we bottle up for a while to remind us of our youth. still, i wish we had made them. Even more, i wish he was here to dig them out if they where underground. Yeah, life is full of suprises. hurray for us. well, no use for a time capsule now, when memories bring pain. kisses to the dead, living and yet to be born.

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