quarta-feira, 5 de janeiro de 2011

so much to do, so little time

The minutes seem to be passing me by without even stopping to say hello. I wake up, blink and find thatits time for bed once again and i havent finished even half of what i needed to do. tick toc, tick toc, tick toc, tick toc, and there goes another moment of my life. theres so much to do, but so little time! and still, im wasting it away in front of a computer. i want to do a bit of everything, anything! n wonder im a nervous reck. and you, reader just spent a minute of your precious time, mabye even two, reading my nonsense. poor thing.

Um comentário:

  1. me senti burro lendo o final =[ tipo 'ah eu sou idiota d ta no pc escrevendo e vc eh mais idiota ainda d ta perdendo o seu tmpo lendo' =[
